Choose your specific treatment
Deep face cleansing and healing and anti-acne
Deep cleansing of the back
Anti-aging and deep hydration of the skin
Non-injective antiage treatment
Interaction between technology and different peelings
Anti-ageing, synergy of radio frequencies and active ingredients
Non-surgical lifting
Stretch marks and scars
Cellulitis and water retention
Body Reshaping
Skin firmness and body toning
Non-localised or selective treatments
Deep feace cleansing and healing and anti-acne
Applicazione Botox non invasiva
Biorivitalizzazione non invasiva
Applicazioni mirate e localizzate
Blefaroplastica non chirurgica
Rimodellamento del corpo
Lifting non-chirurgico
Cellulite e ritenzione idrica
Trattamento specifico per la cellulite
In alphabetical order and by type
Via Dufour 4, 6900 Lugano - Switzerland
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